Monday, September 1, 2008

Tammy Faye Would Be Proud!

Last night, and the night before, Michael and I cleaned out dresser drawers in our room. It's starting to look like a nice place, not just an oversized utility closet.

Last night we worked on the bathroom. We have NO counter in our bathroom, due to a cute, but impractical pedestal sink. So we made due with a practical, but not cute, drawer thingy. Michael decided drawer thingy had to go (yay!), so we cleaned it out, toiletry by toiletry. We replaced it with kinda-cute cabinet thingy, which needs to be painted, but still works nonetheless.

While going through years of half used beauty products, I learned so much about myself. You know me, I simply adore a chance for personal growth.

I learned:
1. I never finish a bottle of lotion. We threw away maybe 10 bottles of lotion, 3/4 full. I have no idea why I do this. So far, the only skin softening relationship that has lasted till the end has been with Aveeno. Ahhhh, Aveeno.

2. I have really cool taste in nail polish colors. Which is funny, because I NEVER get my nails done. And I don't switch colors often. I wear one until it looks like a truck ran over my foot. But when I switch, I've got a vast color selection that is quite fabulous.

3. I've kept (and shouldn't have) every little zip pouch from every Clinique bonus for the last 10 years. This is not something I'm proud of.

4. I threw out maybe 50 lipsticks. Most of them were a neutral shade from the aforementioned Clinique bonuses. I had tons of little pale green tubes. There were some Estee Lauder and Lancome mixed in, along with some crazy Avon glossy things. I've seen a chart somewhere that tells how long you're supposed to keep makeup. I'm thinking every tube was past its prime. I'm scared of what would happen to my lips should I try one of them again.

5. I found a fake hairpiece. It has blond streaks and little braids. I think I got it as a gag gift. I'm so wearing that thing. When am I singing in church again??

6. I have a rainbow of eyeliners. And I've worn every one of them. I found 3, yes 3!, purple Almay liners.

7. We have enough ibuprofen to sink a ship.

8. What on earth will I use a tube of Lansinoh lanolin for, now that I'm not breastfeeding anymore? We tried to think of what I could use it for, and came up with nothing. Suggestions, please!

9. I have hair barrettes and clippy things from HIGH SCHOOL. They've hung in there through MC, through 6 moves, and 3 kids. And it's the weirdest thing, I never wear barrettes. Trashed.

10. And finally, in my time of self awareness, I realized: I CAN NEVER GO TO WALGREENS AGAIN. I need to be in a support group for beauty product addiction.

So now I've scaled down. I'm free from the burden of expiration dates and smelly lotions. It was a sweet release.

This winter, if my skin starts looking dry, remind me...STICK WITH AVEENO.


4 J's said...

Lansinoh lanolin is GREAT for diaper rash if Paz has a prob with that! If not mail the stuff to me...Jana Claire gets them quite frequently!!!!

michael and anne said...

Thanks Jennifer!!! Paiz does get "red booty" (kids' term) pretty often!

cmclean22 said...

i have the same addiction. i love walgreens and any beauty product catalog, but rarely need anything b/c i could open my own store in my bathroom. is there a 12-step program we could join?