Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love is in the air....

How many song titles could we quote on the subject of love? hundreds, i'm sure.

So I'm dedicating this post to my best friend, confidante, helpmate, and everything else in the world to me.

I heard this this morning...I think it fits:

I'm proud of the house we built.
It's stronger than sticks, stones and steel.
Not a big place sittin' up high on a hill.
A lot of things will come and go, but love never will.
Oh I'm proud, I'm proud of the house we built.

God has given us so much in the past 8.5 years. Most importantly, Aidan, Molly and Paisley. Could we have ever planned for anything so wonderful? As much as we talk about how chaotic our life is, can you imagine a minute without those faces? Thanks for supporting me staying home. Thanks for lowering your expectations on cleanliness and getting a hot meal every night. Thanks for building train tracks, having tea parties, pushing swings, blowing bubbles, giving bottles, changing diapers, being the "horsey", going to soccer and dance, and all the other things you do that make you the greatest dad ever. Thanks for reminding me to pray when I have concerns about the kids. Thanks for the time you carve out for me. Thanks for working so hard to provide for us. You are amazing.

When I was 15, I thought you were the nicest, coolest guy ever. Way out of my league. I'm still amazed that the same guy who threw snowballs in my front yard in 1993 is my husband. I've loved you in a million different ways since then. I went off to college, but you never left my thoughts. The first time we went on a date, I was a nervous wreck. Was it a date? Were we just friends? Is he going to pay? Then after several of those "friend" dates...there was Starkville. I love looking at the stars with you, even now. I know I had to scheme to get you to kiss me, but wasn't it worth it?

Then our Valentines day a year later...after a break up, you had a summer in Europe, me in NC. Then by New Year's, we just had to accept the obvious. God meant us for each other, there was no way around it. Valentine's day at Portabella's. The way you stared at me through the meal and we talked for hours and hours. I knew that we'd be together for good. There was nobody else for me.

God changed you after that. You found the greatest love. Our love for each other paled in comparison to His love for you and I. This was one of the greatest, most important times of my life. Watching you grow, make decisions, deal with family, and become a man of God.

Then after The Greatest Day, followed by the Worst Honeymoon (ha!), our life together began. How awesome were those years in New Orleans. Dirt poor, living' on love. But we had a great time and it made us who we are now. I wouldn't trade it for anything. We realized that family is the most important, and we have to trust God to provide for us. Those lessons have made the difference in how we live now that we have kids.

You are special to me. One in a million. This all sounds so cheesy, because there aren't words great enough to tell the world on my blog how wonderful life is with you.

I love you, Michael. And I will until I'm outta here.


Anonymous said...

That is so wonderfully romantically sweet. You two do seem like a perfect match. It is so nice to go to bed at night and not have any worries about your relationship and to know he will be there always- no matter what life throws at you....Nikki

theglenns556 said... sweet! I'm so happy you found each other! I always wondered how you two met? I found your blog recently. Glad to see you in the blogworld!