Sunday, March 30, 2008

Too much time, too little to do....wait, scratch that, reverse it.

i published my title, with no post to go with it. sometimes i amaze myself at how stupid i can be.

we just finished an "Albritton calendar meeting". ugh. all those do is remind me that we're overbooked and i'll be really tired and irritable by the end of each week this month. i have no pampered chef parties scheduled, and i really need to get a couple on the calendar, so please schedule one!! i have to find a couple of camps for the kids this summer, plus sign them up for swimming lessons. i also need to preregister them for school next year, but i really don't want to. i want to move and send Aidan to school for free...but unless someone pulls up in my driveway and offers to pay a really great price for this little house, that's not happening. And there are so many things we need to do to get ready to move, and we're not home enough to do them! plus, we're in dire need of a few pieces of furniture...but that's just not in the budget right now.

do you guys (whoever reads this) do this? start thinking about all the things you want to fix, change, make better...and it snowballs and really stresses you out? it's awful. so frustrating.

i am trying to accept the fact that i have 3 small children who, although we're trying to teach them, are not mature enough to really do chores yet. so it falls on me, and i am not superwoman (surprise, surprise!) now that paiz is starting to walk, i have to be with her all the time and supervise. so nothing gets done. it's a truly vicious cycle. i know, i know, i know that i have so much to be thankful for, and i have a wonderful life...but i feel like it's getting out of hand and i don't have the manpower to deal with it. michael's job is so demanding, and he's going out of town more. he usually doesn't get home until after 5:30 at night...which gives us no time to do any projects, if we want to eat and get kids in the bed. i work really hard in the morning when Paiz takes her nap...but that's only 2 hours, which means i get clothes and dishes washed. that's it. i've been told to just focus on my kids and deal with the house when i can...but that's just it. i can't! there is no time. during the day, that is. late at night, i could work...and probably should be doing dishes right now...

tomorrow, aidan has a doctor visit. his 5 year old checkup. he'll get shots. he HATES shots and is quite violent about it. i'm not excited.

on a happy, happy, happy note...the search committe announced that Ronnie is coming next Sunday in view of a call. i wish i could explain how this makes me feel. he is like a member of our family. there are not many people in the world that i love as much as him and martha. he is a wonderful, godly, smart man who is so perfect for the job. i can't wait.

off to the kitchen i go...then folding clothes...then adjusting paiz's carseat (she's growing so fast!)...then maybe i'll get to sleep.

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