Monday, April 21, 2008

Children's museum

Molly and the eye.

Molly inside a bubble. This was really cool.

Aidan inside a bubble.

Aidan with Mr. Rogers' shoes, in a replica of his house on TV. He and I LOVED this part (we're big fans of Fred.) We walked around singing the song and I know people thought we were crazy, but in N.O., that's okay.

These were the best shots from the trip. There will be more on my facebook, but I can't imagine anyone wanting to see more! We had a wonderful time. Thanks to my mama and daddy for keeping Paisley. It was nice to have "big kid" time.
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Heather Avery said...

Precious pics! Looks like ya'll had an awesome weekend with many memories made!
Sorry we missed the cook-out at the Wall's. I will see you tomorrow night though!

The Rives said...

Hey Anne! Sarah told me that you guys had started a blog a while back. I love all the NO pics and I know you had a blast!! I hate we missed everyone at your mom's a few weeks ago. Madelyn and I were both sick! Hope to see you soon!