Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Practice makes...

for a great time!
I get to sing with Randy Robertson at church in 2 weeks and I don't think I could be more excited. I mean, that man could sing the phone book and it would be awesome. We sang the song about 10 times tonight and had more fun than I've had all week!

I love making music. I love making music that gives glory to God. I LOVE making music with someone who has that kind of talent.

I hope I don't regret this post later and get all my church friends' hopes up...I could fall flat on my face or wet my pants or burp in the microphone or anything horrible like that. I just am really excited and wanted to tell the world that I'm one happy backup singer!

Tomorrow is a field trip to the Ag museum. And I'm going. And I have to take Paisley. I'm not excited. I love the Ag, but she's a wiggle worm who demands 95% of my attention, which gives Aidan and Molly each 2.5% and that just doesn't cut it for them. Anybody want to keep my baby?
(This is where I think positively...It will be a fun family experience and I'm glad we can all go and be together. There, I did it.)

I'm going to sing myself to sleep...

1 comment:

theglenns556 said...

Randy Robertson? No way! I grew up at McDowell Road Baptist Church with his family. He is actually older that me but I grew up listening to him sing. I got to see his mom and dad at my dad's funeral.