Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Interview

okay...Keena did this one...and she picked the questions. After tonight, you all will have way too much information about me!

1. What is your favorite childhood memory?
I love/hate these questions...I love remembering, but I hate narrowing it down to one. I actually don't have many bad childhood memories. I loved doing dinner theater every summer with my church. My parents were always involved and it was so much fun. I have great vacation memories. But my favorite memories are probably of the times we just sat and laughed. We would sit on mom and dad's bed for an hour just telling jokes and laughing. Yeah, that's my favorite.

2. Describe your spiritual personality.
I'm not sure I can do this! I would say I try to be a God-pleaser. I don't go by the phrase, "better to ask forgiveness than permission", I just try to do what he would want me to do the first time. I love to talk about, sing about, think about all that God is doing and has done in my life. If someone met me and didn't pick up on the fact that I'm a Christian, that would hurt me very badly. My greatest job in this world is making sure my children know Jesus and trust him completely with their lives. I have seen God do mighty, amazing things. I have actually tried to doubt him, just for the sake of doubting him, and I find I can't do it. Not that we shouldn't. I think it makes some people stronger. I just find it's easier to trust and obey him with my life. I hope that doesn't sound self-righteous or arrogant. That's just who I am. **I actually lost sleep thinking about the answer to this question...I really sound goody goody! I take my relationship with Jesus very seriously. I love him so much. I want others to know that love and the power that comes through knowing him. But I mess up a lot. All the time. I live daily by his grace and mercy. I couldn't live without it.

3. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Gosh, which one?! Senior year of college formal. I won't tell it. EVER. sorry. There are some other ones too...but sorry Keena. I just can't do it.

4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why?
As long as my mom and dad are alive, I want to be here. Well, in Madison. I love spending time with them, and I have found after being away, I love the Jackson area. It's home (and I thought I would never come back!)
But later, after mom and dad are gone, and the kids are gone...I would love for Michael and I to live somewhere different every year. Maybe a year at Yellowstone, a year in Europe, a year in New York...wouldn't that be a great life? Why? Why not!!

5. If you had an unlimited gift card to any store, what store would you want it to be, and, what would be the main thing you would buy?
I have thought about this all day...such a hard question! My first thought was "Gap! jeans for life!" but then I thought that was lame. Then I thought, "Banana Republic! I could finally afford the regular priced stuff!" But then I thought about how sometimes in the winter all the clothes in there are either black or gray, and that is just not me! So I thought, "maybe Walmart. practical. we would always have diapers, cleaning products, school supplies, food, blah, blah, blah. Nothing high-end, and that defeats the purpose of the card!" So...after racking my brain...i would say They have the high end, and the practical. They have cute shoes, and great books. They have Sephora for makeup, and they have diapers. The main thing I would buy? Right now, a laptop. Or a video Ipod, which I have NO need for. Or some furniture. Who knows!

Now it's your turn. If you want to be interviewed, leave me a comment including the words "Interview me." I will respond by e-mailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions. If you don't have a valid e-mail address on your blog, please provide one. You will update your blog with a post containing your answers to the questions. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

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