Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Father's Eyes

Happy Father's day to the dads that read this! (That's like, 2, right?)

I'm home with a stomach virus while Michael took the kids to church. They didn't rush this morning to make Sunday School. They played go fish, read books, ate breakfast, played Molly's dice game (long story...) and basically just enjoyed the morning together. The most special thing about this is that this is not a rare, abnormal thing around here. Michael is a wonderful, caring, hands-on, loving father. Our kids are so blessed to have him. He does so much to show them he loves them. Actually, if we were younger, we probably would have more kids, primarily because Michael loves being a dad. The day after Aidan was born, we had about 2 hours when the room wasn't full of family and friends. Michael sat in the rocker with our new baby on his chest and didn't move. I remember seeing his face filled with the peace and wonder of knowing he had found his greatest purpose. And I've grown to love him more in the past 5 years than I ever thought I could. He doesn't feel like being superdad all the time, but yet, he always is. If the kids want a story at bedtime, and I'm folding clothes, he's right there to read. He throws the baseball to Aidan on his lunch break and then when he gets home. We chose this house in Canton mostly because of Michael's relationship with the kids. He wanted us to be close to his work so he could come home every day at lunch and see us. We'll have to move next year for school and that will be the hardest on Michael and the kids. I'm so proud of who he is as a man, and a father.
I also was blessed beyond words with a father who is almost indescribable. People tell me all the time, "Oh, your daddy is so _______." Words like wonderful, special, kind, funny, giving, selfless, great, and unique fill that spot. My favorite part of the quote is the word "your". I'm so glad he's my daddy. I don't know anyone who loves people like he does. He loves the Lord and wants everyone to know how great our God is. In my lifetime, many people have come to know Jesus in a personal, real way because dad shares him in such a transparent way. I pray I can learn to do that. He taught me how to shoot a can off a stick, how to fish, how to play a Bach Minuet in G, how to project my voice on stage, how to handle a beligerent teenager who breaks curfew every weekend (yep, that was me), how to pray through hurt feelings, how to make sugar cookies, how to love people wholeheartedly, and so many other things. He embarrassed the mess out of me when I was an adolescent. He offended my need to be cool at all cost. Looking back, I see how boring I was and how awesome he was. Being cool is way overrated. Dad taught me that what other people think is pretty much a nonissue. The only identity I should care about is my identity in Christ. Am I glorifying him? Who does God say I am? What does he love about me? I can answer those questions now and it really puts the right perspective on things. My dad is a grateful man. He is so thankful for his family, his home, and his work. He never really complains, and I've never heard him EVER talk bad about people. He keeps a secret locked up tight, and is the most humble, selfless person I've ever known. I admire him. I thank God I get to be his. He answers his phone when I call, even when he's busy, just because I might need something. He told me when I got my first boyfriend in high school, "this makes me just a little sad, because now you love someone else besides me". I knew then that if I ever met a guy that I could love more than I love him, we'd get married. Michael Albritton is the best friend I've ever had. He has so many of these same qualities my dad has. I didn't mention it in the last paragraph, but Michael spends as much time in God's word as he can. So does my dad. Neither men are pompous, or self righteous, or think they're better than anybody. They just have discovered a power and a love and a peace that comes from knowing the Perfect Father. I think their lives praise God in so many ways. They aren't perfect, but they are connected to the source of perfect love. And they share that love with us. I am so grateful.
Happy Father's day. I know so many people don't have the same experience I do. But there is a perfect Father who loves unconditionally and accepts you just like you are. Know Him, and you will know a love beyond comprehension. His love makes any earthly father pale in comparison. And he sees us each as his child. I'm amazed at that. I'm God's child. Even more than I'm Mark's child, I'm God's child. Mark, Michael, and the other family I have don't make me who I am. Belonging to Jesus makes me who I am. Loved, accepted, forgiven, cherished, I am all those things, just because Jesus lives in me. I pray you know this. I pray that no matter what your earthly father looks like, you know your Heavenly father.

1 comment:

Loustalot said...

That's sweet Anne. You are very blessed. Sorry I didn't get a chance to call you while in Jackson. Send me your number on my email. It's my first and last name at I'll talk to you soon. Kim