Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Longest day of the year!

Saturday the 21st of June was the longest day of the year. We celebrated by going to the Yogi Bear waterpark in Pelahatchie. It was so much fun. I didn't get the camera out much, so these were the only two pics worth posting.

I hate that Paiz's cup is in her face, because she was so very cute in her suit!
My mom and dad got an awesome hammock for their front porch. My kids loved it, but they love their Nonna more!
Dad fixed the tire swing. It used to be on a rotted rope, now it's on cables, and really swings out far. It's a playland at their house!

VBS is going great. Michael comes home tomorrow. I've kept the house mostly clean. Except for a little weariness, we've had a great week. Today Aidan and Molly played in shaving cream, and the word on the street is that they had a blast! Paisley has found a friend in Mary Alice and gets toted around the church, spreading the joy of being Paiz. The ladies in the teacher's lounge can't believe how big she is. Last year, I worked in there and she was about 4 weeks old. What a year we've had since then!

I can't wait to see Michael. I hope I sleep tonight, knowing he's flying all night. Tomorrow will be a happy day.
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