Monday, June 23, 2008

Roll with the punches...

Today was the first day of VBS. Actually, I'm with the 5th and 6th grade, so that would be VBX, Vacation Bible School Extreme. We had an awesome day. I met some really great kids. They were so funny! My group played Truth or Dare, and they were such good sports and we laughed a lot. I guess my kids had fun. They tell me nothing. But they were all smiles at pick up time, so I take that as a good sign.

Michael left yesterday before daylight for another trip. He's got a lot going on these days. We're fine, but today we had a van issue that really made me wish he was here. Our air conditioning has been going out on the van lately. Michael takes it to this place in Canton to get it fixed. Today when we left VBS, it was hot again. So I drove straight to the mechanic to get it fixed. They told me to go inside and wait for a bit while they "looked at it". I woke Paisley up, got the kids out and sat in the waiting room for quite a while. After 45 minutes, I asked if they would be done soon, and they said, "oh no ma'am. Probably another hour or two." At this point my kids were crying from hunger and pretty much running wild in the waiting room, so I asked if I had to stay or if I could call someone to come get me. The man (who is so nice) realized that I was standing there with 3 screaming kids and offered to take me home. He promised he wouldn't kill me (and I did ask) and I accepted a ride from a stranger for one of the few times in my life. He brought us home and said he'd call when the van was ready and somebody would come pick us up. I got the kids in, fed them, put a movie on, and tried for a long time to get Paisley back to sleep. Around 3:30 she finally crashed and then the guy called at 3:45 and said someone was going to come get me to pick up the van. In my nicest voice, I told him I had just gotten the baby back to sleep and he immediately said they'd just bring it to me. So Paiz got her nap, I got my van, and the kids went to bed early. All in all, not a bad experience. But in the moment, I was getting a little frustrated.

Now all the kids are fed and I have a choice to make. Do I exercise, watch tv, read a book, clean my bathroom, take a shower, or just sit and do nothing? I'll enjoy getting to choose!

1 comment:

The Ainsworth Family said...

i would do NOTHING. i ran into your dad while picking mamie up and he looked like he had a blast today. i thought to myself now if a grown man looked like he had fun what do the children look like. i rounded the corner to see children laughing and playing. mamie was just sitting there looking at everyone. have a happy night with whatever you need up doing.... oh, by the way my children are still wide awake.........