Tuesday, July 1, 2008

what is wrong with me? this hurts!!!

okay...i don't know how else to do this...but i have some medical minded friends that read my blog and i am not sure what to do about this, so i'll just post about it!
i woke up this morning with a sharp pain/cramp in my lower right abdomen. that was at 6:30, and it's still there. i can walk around, but just barely and bent over. it mostly goes away, but not completely when i'm sitting down. it really, really hurts! i ate, and it didn't help. i laid down for a bit and it's still there. not sure what to do about this. i have my yearly checkup today, so i'm holding out till this afternoon to talk to my doc about it...but if anybody has any idea what might be the problem, please let me know. my kids want to play treasure hunt and paint pictures, and i just want to lie on the couch. this makes me feel worse than the pain!

thanks for the feedback.


Morgan and Andy said...

I have absolutely no medical training, but it sounds like something I had a few years ago - it sounds like appendicitis or a ruptured ovarian cyst. I thought my appendix had burst, but it ended up that I had a cyst that had ruptured. I couldn't stand up straight, the pain was my lower right abdomen and it was a very constant dull pain - extremeley painful! I hope you feel better and figure it out!

Heather Avery said...

I may not be a medical friend, but you could call me a medical product ,I guess.
I have had my appendix out by emergency surgery and it started out like that, but quickly intensified very rapidly.
You can also have problems on you right side with your gallbladder, both are on the same side.
Or, you could just be ovulating. I know my body lets me know from month to month.
Or, just maybe they are sympathy pains from all the ailments I have been having. Ha!!
Hope you feel better...glad you get to see your doctor today.
Good Luck!!

Anonymous said...

I had something similiar after I had Jack, and it was a ruptured cyst. It was worse when I had to stand up. Of course, I always have weird aches and pains that just come and go. It always makes me wonder if I am dying of a strange disease that my doctor doesn't know about. But it ususally goes away...so I guess it's just normal pains. Hopefully yours will be a normal pain that will just go away. Good luck!

Kimberly said...

So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Keep us posted.