Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Madelaine took this after she got Paiz down for a nap yesterday. Her shirt says, "Fun to be me", and most of the time, it is.

I made signs tonight, "We", "Miss", "Dad". I tried to get the kids to hold them up so I could take a pic for Michael, and this is the best I could get.

Paiz didn't quite understand. When I said, "hold it in front of you," I guess that was interpreted 3 different ways.
This cracked me up. Paisley was playing with the dollhouse. She went around to the back and peeked in the window. We all got so tickled at her. I hope there's nobody getting dressed in there!
So for the dog days of summer, we're doing pretty well. We always have so much to be thankful for. Air conditioning, cold water, an icemaker, cool summer clothes, stuff to do inside. No matter what the time of year, we're going to be thankful.

And at 9 in the morning, when Michael gets home, the gratitude will be even greater!
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