Thursday, July 3, 2008

Way to go, Aidan!

Aidan rode his bike with no training wheels this evening! He's been asking to try for several weeks, but we've put it off. Tonight, we had a few minutes and so we gave it a try. He did it the first time! The first video is the first leg of the driveway, and the second video is him riding back towards me. I'm so proud of my big boy! Now we just need a neighborhood with some other boys for him to ride with!


4 J's said...

WAY TO GO AIDAN! That is incredible...he must have his Mama's balance and coordination! :)

Nikki said...

That is awesome!! We are working diligently with Carlee Grace, but she hasn't quiet got the hang of it yet. That is wonderful Aidan!!!

ADBulldawgs said...

That is great! I wish Heath would get over himself and learn to ride his bike. He got a new bike for his 6th birthday, fell off ONE time, and has refused to touch it again. It makes me sad for him because he is missing the fun! Maybe this post about Aidan will encourage him to get on and try again!