Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Now I feel stupid.

Went to the doctor. My pain didn't alarm him in the least. So apparently, I'm not suffering from some kind of weird disease. And I'm not in need of bedrest (which I hoped for, ha!). I guess I'm just overreacting and should probably delete the last post just so people won't think I'm an idiot. But my new resolution is to not care what people think, so I'll leave it. We'll just chalk today's adventure up to my low pain threshold and leave it at that. I'm even willing to say that I was having sympathy pains for Heather Avery. That makes perfect sense to me!

My kids have lost all conflict resolution skills. We have to get out of this house tomorrow. Wonder what trouble we can get ourselves into??!!


Heather Avery said...

Glad it was nothing serious. Your post did make me laugh though, and I think after today I needed it!
Don't know if you have been to The Natural Science Museum, but everyone lately has been telling me about how wonderful the dinosaurs exibit is? And..if y9ou have a coupon book there is a buy one get one free admission in there.

Anonymous said...

The Natural Science Museum is really awesome. Jack and Savannah both love it. Also Grandview Theater has Family Film Festival on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 10 o'clock. It's only $2 for the ticket and $2.50 for the kids meal. Kimberly and I took Ragen and Savannah this morning, and they loved it. This week was Shrek the Third, but each week is something different. I'm not sure about Paisley, but the other kids might enjoy that.