Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What was the question?

Yesterday, I sent an email asking a simple question. It required a yes or no answer.

The response I received was callous, and wasn't really the answer to my question. It made me mad.

Now, I get over mads pretty quickly. I am always aware of what I might have done wrong, and I have no problem admitting when something is my fault. But this situation...I didn't do anything.

So I'm still mad.

It's not that I got an answer I didn't like. It's more that I don't understand the motive behind the answer. And the answer had nothing to do with my question.

This is a major peeve of mine. If I ask a question, I want the answer to THAT question. I saw this demonstrated on television the other night. Michael and I were watching Rick Warren of Saddleback Church interview the presidential candidates. I have had major issues with both of them, and really was glad to see them in that setting, being interviewed by a man I respect and trust, on issues I care deeply about.

The first major thing I noticed is that Obama didn't answer the questions as they were asked. He rephrased the question so he could answer in a way that was beneficial to him. When asked when does a baby receive rights, he never gave an answer. He changed it to, how can we prevent a high number of abortions? That was not the question.

This is not a post about politics. However, the example was there and I used it.

When I am asked a question, it's my responsibility to the asker to give an answer. If it's one they don't like, then we'll deal with that. I have to own up to my beliefs, and give it to people straight. Jesus had to give a lot of answers people didn't want to hear. But he never faltered, or turned the question around. "Let your yes be yes, and your no be no," he said.

I'm still mad. But I'm working through it. I may never understand here on earth why people think the way they do. But my job is not to understand, it's to forgive. So while I process forgiveness in my heart, pray for me.


Loustalot said...

For Real! It was so good to see you Sat. even for a brief moment. You always make me smile, and the outfit you gave me was a hit! So cute, and so Anne! I'll think of you when she wears it. k

The Ainsworth Family said...

i was having a very bad day last thursday (at work) and i emailed a question, just a simple question and i got answer that sent me to the moon. so i emailed back and said forget about it, thanks. he emails me back with the answer to the question. now why didn't he just do that in the first place. we do lots of emails at work and i keep alot of the ones i always have problems with. good to have a back up sometimes.